Gainesville Bromeliad Society/GBS

We are an enthusiastic garden club of bromeliad growers, from novice to expert,  with some members having over 30 years experience of growing plants in the frosty temperatures of a North Central Florida winter.  Guest speakers often have their own nurseries and bring plants for sale.  These are plants you will NOT find at the local garden stores.  Meetings are open to the public.  Come learn more about how the bromeliad is the LMP (low maintenance plant) for your home and garden.

Meetings are on the 4th Sunday from 2pm-4pm, at the Millhopper Branch Library, 3145 NW 43rd St., Gainesville 32606. The first hour is for the Guest Speaker, a short break and then a brief business meeting, Show & Tell, and Door Prize Give Away. Membership is $20 single and $25 for family.

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